Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Getting Started Writing

Since I haven't posted here for quite a long time, it looks like I need to think about how to get started writing, for sure!

A study of student writers at Oregon State showed that many of them consider getting started writing to be one of their biggest writing problems. In my keynote talk at the May 2010 Oregon Rhetoric and Composition Conference at Portland State University, I am inviting other teachers--students, too-- to post ideas for getting started writing.

Here is mine: I label a document “Journaling on x” (whatever the topic is), and just start typing, tossing out ideas, making lists, asking questions. I tell myself this is not much, just a little place to put some things down, which reduces my anxiety. I date the entries and post with the most recent at the top. Sometimes I get going and actually write quite a bit that can go into the real document.

What’s your idea for getting started writing?



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